
Friday 30 October 2020

Why Is School Important?

Hmm! Why is school important you say?

Intro 1: School is important because we get to learn all stuff we all haven’t learnt before and most of all we get more knowledge and stuff into our brain so that when we grow up it’s important for us to get a job with all the stuff we learnt from school. It is also important because we get to learn more words and complicated words that we can’t either sound out and it is more important for the younger kids to so they can know their numbers and their maths and other stuff that they learn at school!.

Intro 2: School is important because it gives us students to acquire knowledge on special various fields of education, such as literature, mathematics,politics,history and geography and other numerous subjects that we each get to learn as a student. If we don’t come to school and learn then we are uneducated and we do not have that much skills that function in our brains everyday when we wake up and think that’s why school is important for us!!.

Intro 3: Now this is more important!! When we end up going to school we can grow up to learn how to be the leaders of the school and be a role model in front of the younger students who are going to be the leaders after you finish school and come to visit you’ll see that they have followed your steps and have been a great good role model at the school.

Conclusion: Students that go to school you know might even have a great future and have lots of money and might even help homeless people until they get onto their feet!

TASK DESCRIPTION: Today we had to explain why school is important for us!

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